“Kirsten, you don’t know how many times I have thanked myself for seeking you out! The tools and insights that I have gained are invaluable and I am beyond grateful. This time will go down as a defining point in my life. 10/10 for ambience, gentle humour and empathy.”
- Lesley Graf, Cairns
“After researching and trying different forms of therapy, I was so happy when I came across Kirsten and found something that really suited me. She helped me connect to my subconscious and use the skills and strengths I already have to change my perspective on myself and my situation. Whereas in the past many therapy sessions left me feeling emotional and drained, I ended each session with Kirsten feeling positive and energised. I especially appreciated the report she sent through after each session which I can now refer to any time I want to be reminded of the progress I have made.”
— Michelle Dobson, Newcastle
“I contacted Kirsten to see if she could help my anxiety, which was dramatically affecting my life. When I started, Kirsten said that I would see results very quickly and that is exactly what is happening. I can’t thank Kirsten enough for the changes I am experiencing.”
— Heather Wiggers, Hobart